The Change of Seasons

Wide Open Spaces COLORADO Shannon Adducci.jpeg

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall  (All you have to do is call!  Sorry - couldn't resist).  

The seasons in our world come one after another, whether we are ready for them or not.  And they are part of what enables new life to spring up on our planet each year.  One of the reasons I absolutely LOVE living in Colorado is because we have four quite distinct seasons - each exquisitely lovely and inviting. And something in my heart feels revived and sparked each time I sense the shifting. (BTW, I am SO ready for the Fall right now! )

But the seasons of our lives - which God has also ordained - are not so predictable and manageable.  

When October begins to approach on the calendar, I can say fairly confidently, "It's time to get out the brown winter boots and sweaters" simply because I know cold weather is on its way.  But God doesn't cause our lives to unfold in such an orderly, easily-sorted-out way.  

We could be enjoying a mountaintop experience - cool breeze and radiant sun on our face - when suddenly an abrupt winter blizzard causes us to take quick cover and shield ourselves from the harsh elements. Or we could be in the darkest, driest, drought-like season of our soul, when suddenly we see new life spring up in the most unlikely spot. Green grass sprouting blossoming again. I have found, in my own life, there is rarely ever a predictable pattern with God.

But one thing is for certain. Our God is a God of new life.  He said so Himself...

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  (Isaiah 43: 19)

He is always doing whatever He is doing with newness and redemption in mind.  And if He has allowed something to "die" in our lives - whether it be a dream, a loved one, a career, or something entirely different - He will always bring new life again. It may not look like we assumed it might, or spring up from the same little corner of the garden, but it will be richer, fuller and more life-giving than ever before.  

And He will tend to it as the tender and attentive Gardener He is.

I've experienced this myself and can testify to this fact.  Each time there has been death, life has eventually come. Sometimes slowly, tediously and painstakingly. But surely.

The truth is, when we are in the middle of pain, drought, blizzard or valley, it's difficult to imagine we will ever feel "alive" again.  And that's OK.  I've long ago given up the idea that I always have to have some "more than a conqueror" level of faith every time I walk through a dark place or that I have to glibly plaster a smile on my face when my heart is in agony.  

Newsflash:  God is OK with the struggle. In fact, I think He embraces us in our struggle (ie..our Beloved Psalmist David) and loves when we are real with Him.  He is close to the brokenhearted.  

And if we never admit we are broken, I don't think we can fully appreciate His closeness.  

I wonder what the barren tree or brown, dried-up grass thinks (if they could actually think) when it's buried in 18 inches of snow - brittle and in the dead of winter.  If it's like me, I've had the thought, " This is it.  God must be done with me. I don't think I can recover from this blow."  

But then, sure enough, like the tree blossoms and the grass turns green after the thaw, we, too, will have life running through our veins again. That's who our God is and how He causes our lives to flourish more beautifully with the passing of time.

So, if you can't see past your winter season today, I get it.  But more importantly, God gets it.  Jesus had to fix His eyes on the "joy set before Him" when He set out to endure the cross.  Everything within the fleshly part of Him wanted to escape, just like we do.  

And so, let us fix our eyes on Him who endured and rose again to new life.  Let's listen for the great crowd of witnesses cheering us on.  

And then, before we even realize it, a little green sprig will push through the ground and that which was dead will live again.

Join the Conversation: What about you?  Where have you personally seen God bring life from death?  Or where do you currently feel dead and are praying life will soon come? I'd love you to leave a comment & share your story with me…




Happy Mother's Day!