Your songs ministered to me when I was hurting, and lifted my heart when nothing else could

Shannon, I am SO grateful for your ministry. Through your music and lyrics you have brought so much comfort and peace to me and my friends. Your songs ministered to me when I was hurting, and lifted my heart when nothing else could. I live in Hawaii, and you can't really drive and drive and drive because it's about 100 miles around the island I live on. But when my life seemed to close in around me, I would jump in my VW bus and take a drive around the island... listening to and singing your songs, over and over. It was an intimate kind of road trip... just me...God...and Shannon!

–Diane, Hawaii

Kerstin Martin

I help solopreneurs deepen their business skills to run lean, intentional and highly profitable online businesses.

It has been an honor to use Shannon’s music in many of our productions


Thank you for allowing God to use you to minister to both of us