Shannon Adducci Music

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My New Project and Your HELP!

Is it too late to say “Happy New Year!” here on the cusp of February 1st? Well, I’m going to do it anyway! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I certainly meant to write sooner than now, but here I am!

New Project Update

I’ve so appreciated your words of encouragement and excitement as I’ve shared with you the process of writing and recording my new project! As I write this blog, we are in the middle of mixing the project, so we’re almost done! It’s been a privilege and an honor to work with my accomplished and gifted producer Sal Oliveri (amazing!), as well as all the musicians who have graced each song with their massive talents and hearts. And now, multiple Grammy award-winning mix engineer Rob Burrell is mixing my project. How blessed am I? It truly does take a village, and I have a really good one.

I am eager to share these new songs with you. It’s been a long time coming, and yet it feels like the Lord’s perfect timing. A lot has happened in my journey, as you know - some I’ve shared and some I haven’t. I am writing and recording from a new place. A place of greater healing and more settledness. A place of deeper trust in the Lord and yet with even more honest questions for Him. Most importantly, I’m writing from a place of knowing I am deeply loved by the King of all kings (and by my wonderful hubby, Joe!).

New Seasons as an Artist

What’s also different is the fact that this is the first time, since I was in my twenties, that I’m recording and releasing an album project as an independent artist. It’s been quite the learning curve, unearthing all the ways the music business has evolved and continues to evolve. About 6 months ago, I started by moving most of my music catalog over to my married name “Shannon Adducci” on all the streaming platforms. This was a major endeavor! So, if my songs disappeared from your various playlists, you can re-find them under Shannon Adducci and re-add them! I’m also realizing that, even though I don’t love being on Social Media too often, it’s incredibly important for getting the word out and staying connected! And so I’ve been trying to do better with that. Whew!

But with all the learning and progress, I’ve also become incredibly aware that I CANNOT DO THIS ALONE. I really need to feel comfortable and unashamed about asking for help. And so that is what I’m doing, in part, in this blog. I want to make the most of the opportunity the Lord has given me to record and release these new songs, and I want them to reach as many people as He sees fit, so hearts and lives can be blessed!

Ummmm….So, I Need Your HELP! (Ways You Can Help Below!)

It’s HARD to ask for help, but I trust you don’t mind me asking, because you’ve been such an encouragement along the way and let me know how my music has blessed you over the years. So…ready? Here it goes. Please pick any and/or all these ways to help me in this new season of song:

1.) SOCIAL MEDIA: If you are on Facebook and/or Instagram, would you please “follow” my music pages? And when you see that I have posted something new about my music (or anything!), would you SHARE it with your own friends on your own pages? Here are the links to my two pages:



True story, I did set up an account on TikTok, but I’ve only posted one video! I know, I know…such an over-achiever. If you want to search for “ShannonAdducciMusic” and follow me there, I am going to try to start adding some music snippets there as well, as I’m able (still trying to wrap my mind around TikTok!).

2.) STREAMING PLATFORMS: My music is already up on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Pandora - and lots of other streaming platforms, under “Shannon Adducci.” And I’m so excited to start uploading my NEW project there too! But it’s SUPER helpful if you “FOLLOW” me now on the various platforms (not just add my songs, but click “follow” on my artist pages) to which you have subscribed and listen to music. It helps the streaming platforms algorithmically recognize that people are interested in my music and alerts them to potentially feature my music on other playlists, etc. It also helps you to stay in the loop whenever my new songs come out!

Here are my artist account pages on Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Music:



Apple Music:

3.) INSPO RADIO STATIONS: If you are aware of an inspirational radio station that has played or continues to play my music on their station in your area, or you think they should start doing so, would you be willing to: a.) Send me their contact info (via email), so I can send them my new project and thank them for playing my music, and, b.) If you feel compelled, ask them to play my music and let them know I have a new project!

4.) EVENTS: While my capacity to travel and minister at outside events is somewhat limited, due to my commitment as worship leader at my church, it is my desire to say “yes” to as many events as I am able - events such as church worship services or concerts, retreats, conferences, women’s events, even house concerts. If you have an event for which you would love to have me come sing and/or lead worship, please reach out on my “Contact” page:

5.) ALBUM RELEASE CONCERT! Speaking of events, I am having a special album release concert at my home church ( on the evening of April 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM. All are welcome! If you’re in Colorado or anywhere else, I invite you to attend! I’ll be singing all the songs from my new project and have some wonderful musician friends joining me! More details to come, but please mark your calendars!

6.) PRAY! I didn’t leave this until last because it’s lowest priority! This is the most important thing you can do, and so many of you already have been. I really do covet your prayers for the right doors to be opened for these songs and for me, and for me to sense the Lord’s direction at each turn. My deepest desire is for my songs and story to be a deep blessing for those who hear them. Otherwise, why record them, really? I could sit in my family room and just sing at my piano! But I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit, through a song, can impact lives in huge ways! Please pray for the Holy Spirit to have His way in me and through me.

I am so grateful for you all. I feel as if I’ve dumped a laundry list of requests upon you in this blog, but please know I do it from a humble and grateful heart.

Keep an eye out for announcements of my new project in the next several weeks. I will be releasing it as singles on the streaming platforms, but soon after the first single releases there, I intend to release my whole new project on my website only ( for those of you who would like to download it there or perhaps even purchase an autographed CD (for your vintage CD collection!).

If you have any words of encouragement, please feel free to post a comment on the blog itself. If you are sharing any contact information or personal responses to my big “asks,” feel free to email a response to this email. Thank you so very much for your willing hearts. Blessings, my friends.

With Much Love & Great Appreciation,

Shannon ❤️