Shannon Adducci Music

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“LOVED” (introducing the songs!)

It’s been a long time coming - this new season of songs. Over the last eight years or so, I’ve stopped and started, yearned and released, walked into trauma and out the other side - more than once.  And just when I thought it was time to set my hand to the recording plow, so to speak, a new need or important event demanding my attention would emerge.

Some of these speed bumps were earth-shattering (divorce). Some were utterly wonderful (my marriage to Joe and the joining of two households). Still some were urgently tender, traumatic and life-altering (my Dad’s brain cancer, full-time caregiving, and his subsequent death). And while I never stopped writing, singing, playing piano, or leading worship, it felt like I had no choice but to keep laying down the deep longing I had to create and share in the way I was accustomed - recording and sharing my songs with you, my friends and listeners.

But last Summer and Fall the field seemed to be ripening for harvest. I knew it was time. My husband Joe knew it was time, and he blew into my sails. I called Sal (my producer). He was in. The songs started flowing. God was providing. And, as you might imagine, all the speed bumps and “prelude” to this album only helped form and refine the collection of songs that ended up emerging.


Isn’t that just like our Redeemer? We see a pile of ashes. He sees what He’s about to do with them.

A fun collage of all (or most of) the dear peeps who made this album what it is! (Nate Dugger, me, Sal Oliveri, Mark Hill, Dan Needham, my hubby Joe, Rob Berrell - not pictured, but who did an amazing mix, Dave Davidson and the string section & my dear friend Mary Lindsay!) What a dream team!


Each of the songs on “Loved” was written from a very specific chapter or touchpoint along my journey, every song becoming a soundtrack for that particular season of my soul. The smoldering ashes began to take the shape of aromatic flowers and notes, sung to the tune of redemption.


Here’s a tiny introduction to each song on “Loved” (I will write more about each song later):

“Loved” - I wrote this during a time when I desperately needed to remember and re-remember that the most important thing about me (and you!) is the fact that I am unconditionally loved and accepted by my King. The end. That is my identity!

“Good to Me” - I wrote this from a place of fragile hope and gratitude, as I looked back over the landscape of my life and was reminded He has been nothing but good. Even when we don’t feel it, even though we trudge through mountains and dark valleys, He is always working for us, never against us.

“Deep Down” - I remember moments of curling up in a ball, desperate to hear from God and knowing He was oh so strong and capable. But, for whatever reason, I couldn’t sense Him in those moments nor see Him moving the way this daughter wanted or needed. This was the cry of my heart during those seasons.

“Hope Springs Up” - Sometimes life, as we know it, crumbles to the ground. Mine did. I remember feeling like my life and my sense of safety and wholeness had been obliterated. But there in the midst of it all was Jesus - sitting with me in the rubble. He was my hope and my wholeness - my hope springing up.

“Just One Jesus” - When I really sit and contemplate how transformative just one encounter with any facet of Jesus can be (both now and throughout Scripture), I am floored, humbled and amazed. He’s the only One who can change us - truly change us. He’s the One the existence of our entire universe and beyond hinges upon - past, present and future! And he’s the ONLY one who deserves our awe and eternal worship. He’s the one our broken world and hearts needs so badly. There is JUST ONE JESUS - and HE is the Center of it all.

“I’m Gonna Love You” - I wrote this after a time of wrestling and experiencing an intense feeling of inadequacy. The Lord showed me, through a series of events, that to love Him with all my heart, mind and strength meant that it was OK (and even desirable) to bring ALL I am to Him. The good, the bad, the ugly. That’s how I can best love Him - not by waiting until I think I’ve somehow arrived and then approaching Him tentatively, hoping I can hold it together. He wants it all. I want to love Him that way.

“He Loves You More” - As a Mom, I wrote this for my son, who has walked through some very challenging times over these last years. As a parent, my heart was simultaneously breaking and desperately needing to surrender and trust his care to the Lord. After all, as much as I love Christian, the Father loves Him so much more. I think so many will relate to this, and I hope it will bring some comfort and release.

“Jet Stream” - I started writing this the first couple months after my Dad passed away, because I felt so compelled to remember and honor him in some special way, as I processed his passing. I put it on a shelf for a while. But I finished it the morning after I saw “Top Gun (Maverick)” in May. My Dad, a Navy fighter pilot who flew off the USS Enterprise was like no other. Something about what I experienced during that movie was spiritual, and the Lord used it to propel the rest of this song into the world! I can finally sing this (mostly) without crying. (no promises!)

“Redeemer” - This song chronicles the road I’ve been walking - the road each of us has walked at some point and will likely again - where we look back at the disaster in our rear view mirror and now see how our Redeemer has been putting the pieces back together again in new, creative, unexpected, miraculous ways. For those sitting in the rubble, I hope this song brings deep hope and worship.

“I Love Our Life” - I wrote this song for my true love Joe, who deserves a thousand love songs. I imagine other couples slow dancing to this one. But if they don’t, Joe and I will for sure! Our life is simple, but it is grand - because love has set our hearts on fire. Can’t beat that.


And so here we are. Here I am. The Lord’s timing is perfect - in your life and in mine. His love for us, demonstrated on the cross, is the only definitive measure of our identity. And no matter what, He is a God of redemption. We may not see it as soon as we’d like, but it’s in the works. It’s just who He is.


Oh, how I pray this new collection of songs will be a deep blessing to you! Stay tuned as new songs begin to release this month (February 2023) and as my whole album appears on my website. (I’ll keep you posted! ) We’ll also have some fun upcoming giveaways and new song snippets on Facebook & Instagram, if you would please follow me there! (you can follow me on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music and the rest too, as songs will begin appearing there for those who stream!)

And now…

Would you join the conversation: Would you leave a comment and let me know what God’s unconditional love means to you? How does it make you live or look at life differently? Do you have a hard time accepting it? How has it changed you? How do you wish it would change you?

Please share in the comments below…I would love to hear from you so much!

❤️ -Shannon