Shannon Adducci Music

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No Ordinary Day

Have you ever felt like your days were very "ordinary"?  Your life, your routine, maybe even your spiritual walk, just very "Plain Jane?" ( Or "Plain Wayne" if you're a guy)  

Maybe you're not on a mountaintop OR in a valley.  After all, those are the times that I think we actually feel Him nearest.  But it's not as if, when we're not flying high or flailing in the depths, He's any less present. Maybe we just don't feel as "in need" of Him.  

I've been feeling that way lately - struggling to find more significance in my every day and wanting to "feel" Him more near.  As I've pouted and poked my feet in the proverbial dirt of the ground of my life, it dawned on me that God Himself walked on this earth. What is so "ordinary" about that?  He Himself breathed life into me.  Could it be, then, that every breath I take on this "ordinary" day is a miracle itself? He numbers the hairs on this head of mine - even on a bad hair day. So shall I thank Him when I'm brushing my hair that He cares enough to do so and does not find me a bore?

He does not appear or reappear given my circumstances - be it valley low or mountain high.  Every day - every ordinary meal-preparing, errand-running, child-chasing day - is HIS. It's in HIS hands - His very miraculous, powerful, significant hands.

And so this wrestling, I'm convinced, has come down to one thing. One very telling thing about my view of life at times. I often equate busyness with significance.

There....I said it.  

Did someone call me to write a song for them?  Have I been invited to sing at some special event?  Do I feel needed or wanted by my family and friends...maybe even admired? Is my calendar full?  Are my gifts being utilized? Am I receiving recognition?

Somehow, when these factors are present, I wrongly attribute them to the fact that God is listening, moving on my behalf, giving me favor. As if He’s not doing so other times. 

In actuality, TODAY -this very hour, this very moment - I have HIS FAVOR.  For I have His salvation and His presence, and I have the power of His Spirit working within me - He who infuses the "ordinary" with the extraordinary. Isn't that TRUE favor?

I haven't figured all this out, but this one thing I DO know.  Not one day is ordinary. As I sit here behind my laptop, He is speaking to me. As I prepare a meal for my family, I can encounter the Holy One and thank Him for His provision. As I walk the aisles of the grocery store and see the huge selection, I can pray for the majority of the rest of the world who has no such option and wants even for a simple bowl of rice at times.

Finding His heart in the ordinary moments is what makes life worth living.  For He is the Extraordinary God of a very ordinary me.

Join the Conversation: How have you found significance and seen God in your ordinary moments? I’d love to hear from you!