Shannon Adducci Music

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Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mothers' Day...

To the stay-at-home Mom who spends each day with tiny toddlers at her feet.

To the Mom who has carried a child in her womb but never had the joy of seeing her face.

To the Mom whose child left this earth way too soon.

To the Mom who has had the joy of having children grafted in by adoption.

To the Mom who carried a child, but chose to lovingly place that child into the hands of another mother.

To the Mom with a prodigal child - young or old - whose heart breaks for their return.

To the Foster-Mom who steps in to love & care deeply for those who need it most.

To the Mom who is raising teenagers and is wondering how this will all turn out.

To the Mom who longs to have a child but has not been able to conceive.

To the Mom who has had an abortion, who is covered in grace, but wishes the past could be different.

To the Mom who sits bedside praying for her child to be well or who knows her child will never be "normal.”

To the Mom who spiritually mothers younger women in faith & in life.

To the Mom who is an empty-nester and is navigating new seasons.

To the single Mom who works and loves tirelessly with little time for herself.

To the working Mother who balances motherhood with another full-time job.

To the Mom who wishes she could pick up the phone to hear her own Mom's voice, but can't any longer.

To my Mom - Barbara Nelson - whom I love with all my heart and who has loved me better than I could've ever hoped.

And to every woman today. We are all life-giving creatures full of the ability to love and create beauty around us.

Happy Mothers' Day to every wonderful woman I know!

Join the Conversation: Who would you add to this list, or what Mother in your life would you love to honor today and why? Please leave a note below!